Physical Awareness Grounding Exercise

breathing in


Take 5 long deep breaths. In through your nose, out through puckered lips.

wiggling toes

Place both feet on the floor

Wiggle your toes. Curl and uncurl them. Notice the sensations you feel.

stomping feet

Stomp your feet

Stomp several times. Notice how it feels to move your legs, and how the floor feels when your feet hit it.

a hand being clenched

Clench your hands

Ball your hands into fists, then release the tension. Repeat 10 times.

two hands being pressed against each other

Press your palms together

Press them hard. Hold this for 15 seconds. Notice the tension in your hand, arms, and shoulders.

two hands rubbing together

Rub your palms together

Notice the sound and the warmth that's produced from rubbing briskly.

arms reaching up

Reach up

Stretch your hands up and over your head towards the sky. Stretch for 5 seconds. Bring your arms down and let them relax.

breathing in


Take 5 more deep breaths. Acknowledge how your body feels.